Home » Wheels of Time E-badge Activities
Wheels of Time E-badge Activities
These online jigsaw puzzles show you some of the exciting things you’ll discover in the Woodchurch Village Life Museum when you have a chance to visit in
person. Complete one of these puzzles to receive the activity code for your Wheels of Time E-badge.
Puzzle 1 (40 pieces)

You’ll get a warm welcome as soon as you arrive from one of our friendly and knowledgeable volunteers. There’s lots to discover during your visit.
Puzzle 2 (40 pieces)

Discover what it was like to be at school during the Victorian and Edwardian times when there were no computers. Find out about Charlie Watts, a giant of a
Puzzle 3 (40 pieces)

Before the big supermarkets and online shops started home deliveries, your weekly order from the local grocer, baker or butcher would have been delivered by bicycle.
Puzzle 4 (40 pieces)